So it's been raining all weekend in my hometown of South Lake Tahoe. I really wish it would rain here. Rain is my favorite thing to watch, listen, smell, feel, and yeah even taste. I like eating things that may be possibly polluted or cause some sort of virus, hence my sushi eating and my lack of concern for organic food. Alas, I don't think I'll be ingesting any infectious rain drops anytime soon unless the gods listen to me and actually grant me my wish of rain. AhhhHh!

Anyway, I made some of Ina's chicken piccata (not from her first cookbook, but still Ina). I made smashed potatoes and steamed baby carrots and broccoli; not gonna lie the whole meal kinda looked like a frozen tv dinner when it was all together, let me show before I continue to explain how funky it looked: Okay, so you see how even the lemon slices didn't class it up? Haha, and the chopped baby carrots would have not gained Ina's approval. I should have added a fresh bunch of basil or something. Or maybe some really good gravy. Or just added a glass of wine to make it look fancy. Haha. Actually I think there may have been more wine drenched in my sauce than I would have actually drank. Y'see I added some wine after the sauce had already reduced, so basically it was just a shot of wine at the end of the cooking and it tasted like a lemony wine. It was amazing haha.

Wait, I forgot that I did attempt to add something, a, oh my goodness I'm slightly ashamed to say it, a store-bought onion roll!!! Ahhh!!! My husband brought it home so I was tempted! =] It was delicious! Oh and if you can see my husband's plate peeking in the upper left corner, that's my husband's parmesean chicken which he made with my deliciously breaded and baked chicken. But see how little cheese it has? Yeah, we hate grating cheese and we always buy huge bricks of cheese because it holds up better, but really we eat it so fast it doesn't really matter how long it holds up.

This is a shot of my lemon massacre. Although it kinda looks like the lemons won, the way that the knife is just lying there all defeated looking. I like how the bottle of wine just reads "WINE" haha. It's actually called "House Wine" and it's not dry white wine as the recipe calls (gosh I'm just full of disappointment today haha), instead it's a mixture of white wine with reisling and other stuff, like I said I'm not picky as long as it tastes good. Mm.
Oh and here's the mostly alcoholic sauce I made to coat the chicken with: Well, that's boiling and reducing away, I guess it wasn't drunk at this point, just funny looking. Oh and please ignore my electric stove top =[ Some day I'll have a gas stove again! ahhh! The plight of not owning your own house. And being unemployed I suppose. Yes, post-grad hobo-ness is everything I ever dreamed it to be.
Oh and interestingly enough, I found my old diary entries and I cried, laughed, and can't wait to be 65 and dying (due to my bad fooding choices), and look back and can't believe that I ever purchased a fuzzy green diary. Haha. Anywho. I am done for now, there's a fruit salad in my line of sight and I intend of eating every last chunk of sugary goodness!