Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Little got roasted =]

I am too lazy to write a complete blog, but a few nights ago I made this roasted chicken. I get into a frenzy when I eat roasted chicken, so I carefully documented the steps as I cooked this poor little fella. I think I ate 3/4 of it. Sorry veggie-only people, I like eating birds =]

Ina's Lemon Chicken:

Y'see all those little lemons? Yeah, them and the garlic cloves were all in for a little adventure in a very weird and unknown territory.
Only two lucky lemon wedges got to see the inside of my oven.

Then once it got cooked:

And it didn't go alone, noo, it had friends...

Aren't pearl onions the cutest?

Yummy caramelization and a wee bit of white wine didn't hurt ;)

Ta-Da!!! I wolfed this down in about 4 minutes. Glorious.

All for now. Hope you're staying warm and eating lots of yummies!

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