Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rainy Afternoon-- Feeling Breezy and Determined

Like during all of my moments of inspiration, the sun has managed to hide behind the mountains and the stars are lightly twinkling. I was a bit hesitant in starting a new blog at almost 11 at night, but I guess I haven't been able to completely shake off my undergrad habits just yet. But this time I'm not staying up late to cozy up with a stack of science notes--although that does sound quite good right about now, it's been a long summer--instead I am embarking on a weird new idea, sparked by my husband and our celebrity idol, the lovely Ina Garten. And I suppose my love for food and EATING are really the forerunners in my new quest. This is pretty much like the movie "Julie & Julia", but with a more modern inspiration and a much dorkier girl. I want to cook lots of new food, and I want to cook all of the food is lady Garten's cookbooks, starting from the very beginning. I've stared at her cookbooks glossy pages and bit my lip just thinking about how delicious and exciting it would be if I properly executed the dishes she makes on her shows. I've tried many of her recipes off of the Food Network website and now I am ready to just go ahead and focus on her cookbooks rather than choose recipes at random.

I love food. Well, I love most food, chicken and turkey being my prime victims in the kitchen, but also love red meats, our friends from the sea, and the rest of the world of poultry. I am not fond of olives, mushrooms, and salami, not by choice, but because my body just has a strong aversion every time I try to acquire a taste for them. Alas perhaps I just haven't found that one method that makes them tickle my taste buds; hopefully Ina's books will help me with this. 

Well, I will post my first attempt at her cooking as soon as I decide with which recipe I will inaugurate my kitchen adventures. Until then, I hope the rain keeps drizzling because I love the way it smells...

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