Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sweet Tooth Restored

So for the second Thursday in a row, I had a cavity filled. Now, I haven't had a cavity since I was six years old, and other than getting my wisdom teeth removed when I was fifteen, I've had very little dental work (which is surprising since I eat sweets every day! and no I am not ridiculously overweight). So of course, I was terrified about getting these fillings, but my husband coached me through it and I made it through the fillings without crying. Plus my dentist is a huge dork like me so I am more than grateful to have picked a good one out of haha. 

I've been finding most of my Boulder stops through the last three weeks. Oh the joys of being friendless in a new town. Surprisingly, not having any new friends hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I mean there are the few neighbors who I smile at and have introduced myself to, but other than those interactions I've relied on random people, mostly in customer service, with whom I have weird conversations and end up telling people unnecessary info., (much like this blog I guess).

Anywho, for the cooking update! Well, my sore mouth prevented me from any real fooding. I only ate a little bit of my gnocchi and salad tonight. It looked and smelled delicious but my jaw was just too sore and I felt like the food was stubbornly hiding in the left side of my mouth. Sheesh! My husband and I have planned a date for tomorrow night, so I think we'll go out for dinner, so I guess I will have to make something from Ina's book for lunch; something light and yummy. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I am excited to go shopping for ingredients to initiate my Ina cooking after that. Well, at least I think i'll have an appointment in the morning, unless the fire makes it into town and they evacuate the area. I hadn't been very concerned about the fire, but now I am semi-seriously telling my husband that we are going to have to repack everything that we spent the past two weeks unpacking. Haha. Oh the joys of not having renter's insurance. Well, I am going to bed so that I can wake up bright and early tomorrow and get my day going. I also need to take and upload a new picture for this blog. 

----------Oh and on an unrelated to cooking note...-----------

I have a new focus for my card creations! I am going to make cards and send them to children's hospitals. I got inspired by my friend Jennifer Tran (who will soon be receiving a package full of my cutest greeting cards, but shh, she doesn't know that yet) who is a truly altruistic young lady who is in medschool and already makes kids smile with all of her efforts and sweet heart. Hopefully my cards will add to her visits to the children hospitals. Hooray!

Well my cavity-free teeth and I are excited for our brand new day of Ina-inspiration tomorrow, so bedtime! Goodnight and may tomorrow be lovely, about seventy-five degrees and a blue sky with a few, cotton-candy-ish looking clouds =] Oh and I hope you eat something delicious and new with someone you love, or at least while you're thinking about one of your fondest memories with someone/something you love.

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