Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two Week Hiatus

So despite my initial excitement about cooking and blogging, my life during the past two weeks kept me away from blogging. I'm not sure if it was lack of inspiration, lack of motivation, or just pure laziness that kept me away. My teenage angst always made me write in my previous blog most when I was upset, so maybe now I'm just not depressed enough to feel like I have to write things online in order to get them out. Or maybe I've suddenly been faced with adult issues and can't waste time going online to rant. Or maybe I just haven't cooked anything worth posting about and so I found it unnecessary to post. 

Anywhooodle, so prior to my online absence I actually cooked three Ina recipes in one day. I made her rapsberry tart, lemon tart, and scezhuan noodles with the addition of my own orange chicken creation. The noodles were good although the sauce definitely had too much peanut butter and not enough spice. I really loved what the seasoned rice vinegar and peanut butter did to the sauce. And the orange chicken looked so good and tasted surprisingly good too! Let me show a picture here: 

It's sitting on top of the noodles and it was delicious. I guess I could post my own recipes on here in case someone that stumbles upon my site actually wants to try it out. I'll perfect the sauce and write down the real measurements before i post it next time =]

Anywho, so while I made this dish I was also working on kneading dough for my tarts. It looked a little like this:

And the actual cooking looked more like this:

 This is the lemon curd which looked pretty revolting to start and never did actually set to that delicious consistency that makes you want to eat it. I think it's because an eggshell piece may have somehow made its way into the mix...who knows how that got in there... and below is a picture of my stovetop with more things than I could handle: a pot of nasty looking lemond curd, boiling noodles, a wok full of hot oil to deep fry the chicken with, oh and not pictured in the top right corner is the pan in which I stir fried carrots, onions, bell peppers and garlic.

The next picture is just the countertop with Ina's book and a knife that looks menacing than I meant for it to look. Haha.I'm shocked that I actually left the book on that messy countertop because I cannot stand to get stains on any of my books (the cookbook is still spotless, let's see how long that lasts, my old "new Home Cookbook" is still in pretty good condition although it has fallen victim to multiple dough stains and sugar spills.

So my hubby got home and helped me finish cooking off all of these things. For desert we stared at the nasty looking lemon curd (which I will attempt again soon...soon-ish), and then made the raspberry tart and kevin made himself a Nutella covered piece of tart because he hates raspberries (I don't get it either, but I humour him because I love him).

And how can I not love him? Look at the amazing french toast he made at some point over the two weeks. I was gone. During week one actually, when I was still in Boulder (I went back home for a week to visit my mom and family for her birthday. Sadly Kevin couldn't come with me so I missed him terribly but I had fun still).

Well enough for now, I'll just leave you with a banana bread that looked and tasted amazing and made me feel like it was quite possibly stuffed with love and hugs. That sounded so disturbing, but somehow it makes alot of sense to me and I hope it makes a lot of sense to you too. =] Kevin and I devoured it and we even covered it up in Nutella just to indulge our taste buds further. Yummy yum.

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