Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Bliss

So, despite how much I told myself that I would write in this blog every single day, I went the past two days without writing. I tried, but I just couldn't find the energy to keep myself away from enjoying the weekend away from my laptop. Go figure.

So recap on the cooking update in case that's all anyone really wants to read about ;) 
Uhm, well, I've planned several meals for this week to be purely Ina. It's been hard to keep my college studying habits away, I've had this ridiculous urge to color-code tab every page in her book based on when I plan on cooking it or what kind of dish it is. I mean they're already pre-organized, but I was going to tab them based on which week I'm going to do what. Oh! I'm really excited to try out her eggplant dip this week! I got the plumpest looking eggplant at the store today and I am super excited to see how it turns out. I am also making two of her tarts: a raspberry and a lemon curd tart. I can't wait! I told Kevin I'll start making her gooey-delicious deserts when I start working out (I haven't been able to work out the past two weeks because my knee has been bothering me and everyone who has had knee problems in the past told me to "STAY OFF OF IT!" so I am following their advice and staying off it for the most part, although I do some crunches and planks in my living room when my tummy starts telling me to quit being so lazy. Oh and I walked for an hour today with my husband =] ). Anywho, back to the real food news. Kevin and I will also be testing out her szechuan noodles, grilled lemon chicken, lemonade, french potato salad, and possibly one of her chowders. MmMMmM! I am not doing non-stop Ina because I don't wanna make us feel sick of her food (if that's even possible). Plus, we didn't feel like buying a whole new pantry stock. It's funny the things you take for granted at your parents' house, the fully stocked spices, the endless amounts of weird oils and vinegars, the nifty little weird herbs. So, being a brand new married couple, we have to take it a few steps at a time and buy stuff for a few recipes at a time rather than just run into our walk-in pantry. (By the way, our apartment is pretty small, so a walk-in pantry at this point would mean not having a bathroom. Haha.) So wish me luck this week with Ina's dishes and I will post pictures soon, although I know mine wont be as luxurious looking as hers, but we'll pretend just the same =].

Now, for my weekend in case you're still interested. 
Kevin and I went out on dates both Friday and Saturday. Let me just say, Friday was one of the absolute, most perfect days that I have had in a long time. It was all of the little things--they all just made sense and fit into place, one after another all day long--, and that hasn't happened to me in a long time. It was just one of those days where I couldn't stop smiling the entire day. Nothing extraordinary happened, no surprise bonuses or anything but the good old having-everything-go-your-way kind of day. Our date was a cheaterific meal, delicious asian food. We would have cooked, but I mean it was date night =]  after dinner, we stopped by Borders where I found some nifty books with ideas for handmade cards and paper craft ideas, so I of course got these to supplement my other plan at hand (more about this below). Then we watched a movie and called it a night. It was lovely. PS, go watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World; it's ridiculously funny and geekily good.

Saturday morning we had a nice breakfast and went about our domestic chores. Then Kevin and i discussed more of our card collection ideas and I got overly excited and pretty much thought of nothing more than that project all day. It wasn't until about eight that night where I realized what time it was and Kevin suggested I put down the scissors and get ready to go out into downtown. the Boulder downtown is quite fun to walk around and browse. So we spent awhile in a bookstore (Oh the wonderful new book scent!) and then wandered in and out of shop windows. We discovered a new place for our fro-yo addiction and got to watch a little girl dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, as she sang and play her banjo. Street performers are starting young apparently. We actually overheard a lady comment on how the adorable little girl was "Cute, but I think her voice is soooo *gross face*" which just made me feel like that woman should have all of her uterine ova removed just to ensure the world that she won't procreate and then lower her kids self-esteem their whole life. Evil witchy lady. Anywho, so we ate our delicious honeydew and mango fro-yos, clapped at the little girl's performance until she realized it was her bedtime and packed up to leave, then we looked at the smokey little bars and wondered where all of the "cool kids" in hang out in Boulder. Our lack of friends is starting to slightly take a toll on us, but patience will help us find some real keepers I hope =] Haha. Anyways, so our night ended with a late-night food run to the grocery store where we wondered around looking at all the new Halloween decorations and kitchen supplies (of course, although don't get me wrong, it wasn't like kitchen utensil-connoisseur,  it was all cheap plastic stuff that no real home would probably have). We opted for a frozen pizza and some cold beverages ( ;) yup not for kids ). And that's how my lovely Saturday night ended. I love being a grown-up mid-newly wed era. 

As for today. Well today has involved a lot of card-making, concept creation, and discussing my card-idea with someone other than my husband. My mom. =] she was very supportive and it made me get more excited about making this that much more legitimate.  So hooray! I am really trying to continue full-steam ahead and make this project take off. I want to do it for them. The kids who will actually value my creations rather than toss them at just another birthday party or other  celebration. I am so excited! So yes. Besides grocery shopping and walking to the gym (then not going inside and instead stretching out my knee on the lawn while thinking and cell-phoning), I worked on my card project and thought about Ina's food. I was originally planning the grilled lemon chicken for tonight, but after our dinner-rush-mob visit to the grocery store, we got back to our place later than we had planned (the True Blood season finale was on and we don't have a dvr =[. And I am obsessed with Eric, well the whole show, but Eric especially. If you haven't watched the sow, just watch it, you'll understand that's it's not just another vampire sap story; rather it is a sexy, vampire porno-drama. Although as I typed that I realized that that may also not be up everyone's alley. Haha). So we rushed home and ate food so un-Ina that I wont even dare mention it (it may have involved a guacamole that was not from her cookbook...). 

Tomorrow I have an info session in CU Denver for their teaching program, so hopefully that will only add more exciting things to look forward to in my foody/crafty/dorky life. 

Oh and while I was at the grocery store today, I managed to knock down a whole rack of re-usable shopping bags at the check-out stand. Needless to say, the people around me (the store was crowded with the previously mentioned mob), stared and I'm pretty sure I heard several chuckles, although one of them was my husbands. Everyone was friendly chuckling though, like an "Oh that's so cute!" kind of chuckle. Or at least that's what I told myself.

<3 and goodnight! May tomorrow be filled with tasty things for your tummy and heart!

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